Premiering in June 2022 – The Jungle Book

Forman Brothers’ Theater,
Czech Philharmonic Orchestra,

Matěj Forman plans the production with stage model. Photos courtesy Forman Brothers’ Theater

Join them for an adventure into the world of theater, music and dance!

This production, or rather theatrical adventure, is intended for audiences of all ages, for lovers of music, dance, acrobatics and narrative theatre. Our goal is to recreate the experience most of us had when first read Kipling‘s The Jungle Book, through the profound connection between music, movement and art.

The premiere is planned for June 7, 2022, and will take place on the Azyl78 summer stage, a theatre tent set up on the Prague Exhibition Grounds. The original music will be performed live by the 15-member Czech Philharmonic Orchestra—the most significant symphonic orchestra in the Czech Republic. The music’s author, Marko Ivanović, will conduct the orchestra himself (alternating with Jan Kučera).

The stage will be filled by 12 performers, dancers and acrobats and the audience can look forward to an international cast and artists from Greece, Nigeria, France and Italy. Matěj Forman and his creative team gathered around the Forman Brothers’ Theatre are the creative authors of the piece. Their previous projects suggest that this will be a unique visual experience—from the fabulous scenery to the costumes and masks.

The authors of the music and dance adaptation of Rudyard Kipling’s The Jungle Book are composer Marko Ivanović and director Matěj Forman. This magical performance is choreographed by Štěpán Pechar, with costumes by Andrea Sodomková, and is produced by the Jatka78 theatre in collaboration with the Forman Brothers’ Theatre, DekkaDancers and the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra.