You’re Jewish, Right? by Chad Williams
Spaghetti Ramadan by Jenny Romaine
Wayang Esther by Matthew Isaac Cohen
Sara Peattie by Andrew Periale
Puppetry As Celebration Of Human Connection by Ana Lorite
Ralph Lee by Matt Sorensen
The Guignol Guérin Theatre Celebrates 170 Years by Yanna Kor
Submarine Celebration by Paulette Richards
Who’s Who: Ellen Stewart by Alex Morgan (Spanish version)
BONUS ARTICLE- Entrevista con Dominga Gutiérrez de Silencio Blanco by Ana Díaz Barriga

A Tribute to Crossing Borders- festival review by Frans Hakkemars
Terayama Shokugyō wa Terayama Shūji Desu by Mari Boyd
Making the Intangible Tangible- book review by Felice Amato
A Treasure Trove of Italian Puppetry- book review by Andrew Periale
The Importance of Star Wars as Material Performance- book review by John Bell
An Epic Tale of Punch and Joan- book review by Alissa Mello